Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How do i photoshop a picture?

how do i photoshop a picture?

im not sure so if someone can tell me thanks

How do i photoshop a picture?ktm

If you want to put your name on pics you can just write it out with a brush, type it in as text, or you could make yourself a watermark.

Here's a great watermark tutorial:

There are also many other ways to put your name on a picture, you can search for some here:

How do i photoshop a picture?nortan

Buy photoshop and install in your computer. You will get photoshop teaching books and learn it easly. there are many short keys to make it easier. I shall send the short key chart to you by request to But practice is the only way to make it more easier.
Open the image in photoshop. Select the ''T'' text tool on the bottom left. Click on the left colour square and select the colour you want. Up on the top left, select your font and your font size.

Click on your image where you want the writing to go,and type away.

You can also resize it via edit then transform, then scale.

You can emboss it or add a drop shadow by going to layer, then layer style.

When you save it, you should save it as a jpg unless you are going to want to fiddle with it more later. It will try to save as a psd. but they are huge files, especially if you are emailing them.
I'm sorry to say that there are college level courses that last from one semester to years to answer this question. I know you didn't know that, but there's a lot more to it than a magic button called a photoshop.

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